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Animangsu Ghatak

Animangsu Ghatak

PhD (Lehigh University)

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering

Department of Chemical
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016


Mechanics of soft materials, Adhesion, friction and fracture at soft interfaces, Locomotion of soft bodied objects, Fracture of soft gels, Multiphase flow through micro-channels, Membraneless fuel cell, Design of universal nucleant for crystallization of protein molecules.


Post Doctoral Research at Cambridge University, UK & Harvard University, USA, 2003-2004

PhD, Lehigh University, 2003

M.Tech, IIT Kanpur, 1998

B.Tech (Hons.), IIT Kharagpur, 1994

Selected Publications

Ghatak, A. S. and Ghatak A. Disordered nano-wrinkle substrates for inducing crystallization over a wide range of concentration of protein and precipitant, Langmuir, 2013, Vol 29 (13), pp 4373–4380.


Hore, D., Majumder, A., Mondal, S., Roy, A. and Ghatak, A. How to make a cylinder roll uphill. Soft Matter, 2012, Vol 8(18), pp. 5038-5042. Royal Society of Chemistry press release: Nature Physics Research Highlight:


Hore, D., Majumder, A., Mondal, S., Roy, A. and Ghatak, A. How to make a cylinder roll uphill. Soft Matter, 2012, Vol 8(18), pp. 5038-5042. Royal Society of Chemistry press release: Nature Physics Research Highlight:


Ghatak, A. and Das, A. L., Kinking instability of a highly deformable elastic cylinder. Physical Review Letters, 2007, Vol. 99, pp. 076101-1-076101-4.


Verma, M. K. S., Majumder, A. and Ghatak, A. Embedded template assisted fabrication of complex micro-channels in PDMS and design of a micro-fluidic adhesive. Langmuir, 2006, Vol. 22, pp. 10291-10295.


Awards & Fellowships

Invited speaker at Gordon Research Conference, Adhesion Science of, 2011.


Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, 2010.


Mr. and Mrs. Gian Singh Bindra Research Fellowship, 2009-2012.


Diamond Jubilee Young Achiever's Award of the Indian Institution of Chemical Engineering, 2007.


Young Engineer Award of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, 2006.