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Debi Prasad Mishra

Debi Prasad Mishra

PhD (IISc Bangalore)

Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

Research Interest

Combustion, CFD of Chemically Reacting Flows, Spray

Research Area

Propulsion and Combustion


PhD (Mechanical Engineering),IISc Bangalore, 1994

B.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering),Sambalpur University, 1987

Selected Publications

Jejurkar S J and D. P. Mishra, "Flame Stability Studies in a Hydrogen-Air Premixed Flame Annular Microcombustor", International Journal of Hydrogen, vol 36, issue 12, Pages 7326-7338, 2011.

Jejurkar S J and D. P. Mishra, "Effects of Combustor Geometry on Hydrogen-Air Premixed Flame Combustion in an Annular Microcombustor, Proc. IMechE, Part Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 225:1310–1321, 2011.

P. K. Ezhil Kumar and D. P. Mishra, "Numerical Simulation of Cavity Flow Structure in an Axisymmetric Trapped Vortex Combustor", Aerospace Science and Technology, 21, pp. 16–23, 2012.

Jejurkar S. Y. and D. P. Mishra, "Characterization of Confined Hydrogen–Air Jet Flame in a Crossflow Configuration Using Design of Experiments", International Journal of Hydrogen, Volume 38, Issue 12, Pages 5165-5175 2013

Manisha B. P. and D. P. Mishra, Effect of Air Injection Configuration on the atomization of gelled JetA1 fuel in an air-assist internally mixed atomizer, Atomization and Spray, 23(4), pp.327-341, 2013.

Awards & Fellowships

Asst. Editor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier Publisher, USA, 2009.

Samanta Chandra Sekhar Award, 2009.

VikasaPrerak Award, 2010.

Editorial board member, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Published by Taylor&Francis, 2011

Editorial Board Member, International Journal for Turbo and Jet Engines, Published by De Gruyter, Germany,2011.