अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन
Zakir Hossain

जाकिर हुसैन

PhD (TIFR Mumbai)

Professor, Department of Physics

Department of Physics
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016


PhD (Physics), T.I.F.R., Mumbai 1997 Post M.Sc Associate in PhysicsS. I.N.P., Calcutta 1990

M.Sc. (Physics), University Of Calcutta, 1988

B.Sc. (Hons. in Physics), University of Burdwan, 1986

चयनित प्रकाशन

Synthesis and Investigation of Yb-based Strongly Correlated Electron Systems Funding Agency: BRNS, Dept. of Atomic Energy, Mumbai Amount: Rs. 28 lacs Duration: 2007-2010 (completed) PI: Zakir Hossain, Co-PI: K.P. Rajeev, PC: S. Ramakrishnan (TIFR) Oxide based functional thin film nanostructures for spintronics and quantum informatics

Funding Agency: Department of Informtion Technology Sanctioned amount: Rs. 2.2 Crore Duration: 2007-2011 Chief Investigator: Zakir Hossain PI: R.C. Budhani, Co-PIs: Ashish Garg and Zakir Hossain


Bulk superconductivity at an elevated temperature (Tc = 12 K) in a nickel containing alloy system Y-Ni-B-C, R. Nagarajan, C. Mazumdar, Z. Hossain, S.K. Dhar, K.V. Gopalakrishnan, L.C. Gupta, C. Godart, B.D. Padalia, R. Vijayaraghavan, Physical Review Letters, 72 (1994) 274.


 Yb-based heavy-fermion metal situated close to a quantum critical point, Z. Hossain, C. Geibel, F. Weickert, T. Radu, Y. Tokiwa, H. Jeevan, P. Gegenwart, F. Steglich, Physical Review B vol. 72, 1 Sept. 2005, p 94411.


Heavy Fermion behaviour in PrRh2B2C: An excitonic mass enhancement, V. K. Anand, Z. Hossain, G. Chen, M. Nicklas, C. Geibel Physical Review B Volume: 79 Issue: Article Number: 113107 (2009)


Reentrant Superconductivity in Eu(Fe1-xIrx)2As2, U.B. Paramanik, Debarchan Das, R. Prasad and Z. Hossain J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 25 (2013) 265701.

पुरस्कार एवं फैलोशिप

National Scholarship by Government of India during 1986- 1988.

JSPS fellowship, Japan to work with Prof. T. Takabatake.

Postdoctoral fellowship from Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden to work with Dr. C. Geibel and Prof. F. Steglich.