अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन
Prerna Gautam

प्रेरणा गौतम

PhD (University of Delhi, Delhi)

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences

शोध करना दिलचस्पी

Operational Research, Optimization, Sustainability, Waste Management, Service Operations Management


Room No. 216
Department of Management Sciences
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016


Inventory and Supply Chain Management


  • PhD, Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi, 2021

  • M.Phil., Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi, Delhi, 2015

  • PG (M.Sc.), Kirorimal College, University of Delhi, Delhi, 2013

  • UG (B.Sc.), Pandit Prithi Nath College, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur, 2011

शिक्षण क्षेत्र

Inventory Management

Supply Chain Management

Service Operations Management

Quantitative Techniques

व्यावसायिक जुड़ाव

Operational Research Society of India (ORSI)



Association of Inventory Academicians and Practitioners (AIAP)


Scientific Educational Research Society (SERS)


चयनित प्रकाशन

Journal Articles 

Gautam, P., Maheshwari, S., & Jaggi, C. K. (2022). Sustainable production inventory model with greening degree and dual determinants of defective items. Journal of Cleaner Production, 132879.

Gautam, P., Maheshwari, S., Hasan, A., Kausar, A., & Jaggi, C. K. (2022). Optimal inventory strategies for an imperfect production system with advertisement and price reliant demand under rework option for defectives. RAIRO-Operations Research, 56(1), 183-197. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2021188

Gautam, P. & Khanna, A., Jaggi, C.K. (2021) An integrated green supply chain model with product recovery management towards a cleaner system. Journal of Cleaner Production, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128850

Maheshwari, S., Gautam, P., & Jaggi, C. K. (2021). Role of big data analytics in supply chain management: current trends and future perspectives. International Journal of Production Research59(6), 1875-1900. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2020.1793011

Priyamvada, Gautam, P. & Khanna, A. (2021) Sustainable production strategies for deteriorating and imperfect quality items with an investment in preservation technology. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 12(5), 910-918. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-021-01144-5

Khanna, A., Gautam, P., Sarkar, B., & Jaggi, C. K. (2020). Integrated vendor–buyer strategies for imperfect production systems with maintenance and warranty policy. RAIRO-Operations Research54(2), 435-450. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2019029

Jaggi, C.K., Priyam P., Gautam, P., & Khanna, A. (2020). An integrated inventory model for imperfect production system incorporating marketing decisions with an investment in preservation technology. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics,11(2-3), 280-299. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSOI.2021.117261

Khanna, A., Gautam, P., Hasan, A., & Jaggi, C. K. (2020). Inventory and pricing decisions for an imperfect production system with quality inspection, rework and carbon-emissions. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 30 (3), 339-360. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/YJOR1904

Priyamvada, Gautam, P., Khanna, A., & Jaggi, C. K. (2020). Preservation technology investment for an inventory system with variable deterioration rate under expiration dates and price sensitive demand. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 30(3), 289-305. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/YJOR1904

Kamna, K. M., Gautam, P., & Jaggi, C. K. (2020). Sustainable inventory policy for an imperfect production system with energy usage and volume agility. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. 12(1), 44-52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-020-01006-6

Gautam, P., Maheshwari, S., Kaushal-Deep, S. M., Bhat, A. R., & Jaggi, C. K. (2020) COVID-19: A Bibliometric Analysis and Insights. International Journal of Mathematical Engineering & Management Sciences, 5(6), 1156-1169. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33889/IJMEMS.2020.5.6.088

Gautam, P., Kamna, K. M., & Jaggi, C. K. (2020). Sustainable production policies under the effect of volume agility, preservation technology and price-reliant demand. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 30 (3), 307-324. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/YJOR190315018G.

Gautam, P., Kishore, A., Khanna, A., & Jaggi, C. K. (2019). Strategic defect management for a sustainable green supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 233, 226-241. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.005

Kishore, A., Gautam, P., Khanna, A., & Jaggi, C. K. (2019). Investigating the effect of learning in set-up cost for imperfect production systems by utilizing two-way inspection plan for rework under screening constraints. Scientia Iranica,27(6), 3265-3288. DOI: 24200/SCI.2019.51333.2120

Gautam, P., & Khanna, A. (2018). An imperfect production inventory model with setup cost reduction and carbon emission for an integrated supply chain. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 6(3), 271-286. DOI: https://doi.org/5267/j.uscm.2017.11.003

Khanna, A., Gautam, P., & Jaggi, C. K. (2017). Inventory modeling for deteriorating imperfect quality items with selling price dependent demand and shortage backordering under credit financing. International Journal of Mathematical Engineering & Management Sciences, 2(2), 110-124. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.33889/IJMEMS.2017.2.2-010.

Khanna, A., Mittal, M., Gautam, P., & Jaggi, C. (2016). Credit financing for deteriorating imperfect quality items with allowable shortages.Decision Science Letters5(1), 45-60. DOI: 5267/j.uscm.2017.11.003

Book Chapters/Proceedings:

Kausar, A., Hasan, A., Gautam, P., & Jaggi, C. K. (2021). Dual Warehouse Inventory Management of Deteriorating Items Under Inflationary Condition. Advances in Interdisciplinary Research in Engineering and Business Management, 39, Springer Nature.

Gautam, P., Maheshwari, S., Kausar, A., & Jaggi, C. K. (2021). Inventory Models for Imperfect Quality Items: A Two-Decade Review. Advances in Interdisciplinary Research in Engineering and Business Management, 185, Springer Nature.

Jaggi, C. K., Gautam, P., & Khanna, A. (2018). Credit Policies for Deteriorating Imperfect Quality Items with Exponentially Increasing Demand and Partial Backlogging. In Handbook of Research on Promoting Business Process Improvement Through Inventory Control Techniques (pp. 90-106). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3232-3.ch006

Jaggi, C. K., Gautam, P., & Khanna, A. (2018). A Study on Imperfect Production System under Maintenance Strategies and Warranty. In Handbook of Research on Promoting Business Process Improvement Through Inventory Control Techniques (pp. 371-387). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3232-3.ch020

Jaggi, C. K., Gautam, P., & Khanna, A. (2018). Inventory Decisions for Imperfect Quality Deteriorating Items with Exponential Declining Demand Under Trade Credit and Partially Backlogged Shortages. Quality, IT and Business Operations, 213. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5577-5_21.

Khanna, A., Gautam, P., & Jaggi, C. K. (2016, March). Coordinating vendor-buyer decisions for imperfect quality items considering trade credit and fully backlogged shortages. In ADVANCEMENT IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2015) (Vol. 1715, p. 020065). AIP Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4942747

सम्मेलन प्रस्तुतियाँ

Presented a paper titled “Credit financing for deteriorating imperfect quality items with allowable shortages” in a National Conference on Recent Trends and Developments in Statistics (NCRTDS) in conjunction with 1st Convention of Indian Association for Reliability and Statistics (CIARS) held during February, 21st-23rd, 2015.

Presented a paper titled “Coordinating vendor-buyer decisions for imperfect quality items considering trade credit and fully backlogged shortages” in an International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS) held during October 18th-20th, 2015).



Presented a paper titled “Inventory decisions for imperfect quality deteriorating items with exponential declining demand under trade credit and partially backlogged shortages” in 7thInternational Conference on Quality, Reliability, Infocom Technology and Business Operations (ICQRIT) held during December 28th-30th, 2015.



Presented a paper titled “Credit policies for imperfect quality deteriorating items with partial backlogging and exponentially decreasing demand” in the 49th Annual Convention of the Operational Research Society of India (ORSI) & International Conference on Analytics in Operational Research held during December 12th-14th, 2016.



Presented a paper titled “Integrated vendor-buyer inventory model with faculty production systems under warranty and maintenance” in Joint International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research & 8th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Infocom Technology and Business Operations (INBUSH ERA WORLD SUMMIT) held during February 8th-10th, 2017.



Presented a paper titled “Retailer’s ordering policy for deteriorating imperfect quality items with price-sensitive demand and trade-credit” in National Conference on Statistics and Optimization Techniques (NCSOT) in Conjunction with 2nd Convention of Indian Association for Reliability and Statistics (CIARS) held during February 11th-13th, 2017.



Presented a paper titled “An integrated model for deteriorating item with price- sensitive demand and preservation technology under partial backlogging” in Vivekanand International Conference (VINC) on Building Research Analytics in Sciences, Technology, Operations Research & Management (BRAINSTORM) held during March 16th-17th, 2017.



Presented a paper titled “Production decisions for an imperfect production system under quality inspection and rework with price-sensitive demand” in the 1st International Conference of Association of Inventory Academicians and Practitioners (AIAP) on Emerging trends in Inventory, Supply Chain & Reliability Modeling (ETISCRM) held during December 21st-23rd, 2018.



Presented a paper titled “Optimizing inventory and pricing decisions in a sustainable integrated supply chain with imperfect production, price-sensitive demand and shortages” in the 1st International Conference of Association of Inventory Academicians and Practitioners (AIAP) on Emerging trends in Inventory, Supply Chain & Reliability Modeling (ETISCRM) held during December 21st-23rd, 2018.



Presented a paper titled “Strategic waste management for a green supply chain- A Stackelberg approach” in 9th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Infocom Technology and Business Operations (ICQRIT) held during December 27th-29th, 2018.



Presented a paper titled “Efficient defect management for a two-echelon supply chain under an integrated environment” in 9thInternational Conference on Quality, Reliability, Infocom Technology and Business Operations (ICQRIT) held during December 27th-29th, 2018.



पेशेवर अनुभव

Guest Faculty at Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Prof ND Kapoor Marg, University Enclave, New Delhi, Delhi 110007, India. (Duration: Winter Semester, 2021-2022)

Guest Faculty at Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Prof ND Kapoor Marg, University Enclave, New Delhi, Delhi 110007, India. (Duration: Fall Semester, 2021)

Visiting Faculty at Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, 9, Institutional Area, Sector 25, Rohini, Delhi, 110085, India. (Duration: From 01 June 2021 to 07 August 2021)

Project Associate at India International Science Festival (IISF) 2020 in Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (CSIR–NISTADS), Pusa Gate, K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi, Delhi 110012, India. (Duration: From 02 December 2020 to 31 March 2021)