अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन
Pritam Chakraborty

प्रीतम चक्रवर्ती

PhD (The Ohio State University, Columbus)

Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

शोध करना दिलचस्पी

  1. Meso-scale modeling of short fatigue crack growth, plasticity, damage and creep in metals.
  2. Multi-scale method development to bridge between polycrystalline and engineering scales (connect microstructure to property).
  3. Coupled deformation and phase transformation. 

Room No. 18,
Department of Aerospace Engineering
IIT Kanpur, 
Kanpur - 208016


Solid Mechanics; Non-linear deformation; Plasticity; Crystal Plasticity; Fracture; Fatigue; Creep; Finite Element Method; Multi-scale Method.


Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, US (2011).
PhD thesis title: Wavelet transformation based multi-time scale method for fatigue crack initiation in polycrystalline alloys
PhD thesis supervisor: Prof. Somnath Ghosh

M.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India (2004).

B. E. in Mechanical Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India (2002).

शिक्षण क्षेत्र

Mechanics and Numerical Methods

As Instructor: Mechanics of Solids (UG 2nd Year compulsory) Solid Mechanics (PG elective) Continuum Mechanics (PG elective) Aircraft Structural Analysis 1 and 2 (PG compulsory) Composite Materials (PG elective) Dynamics and Vibration (PG elective) Mechanical Properties of Materials (PG compulsory) Materials Processing (PG compulsory) Introduction to Finite Element Methods (PG elective)

Mechanics and Mathematics

As Tutor: Partial Differential Equations (UG compulsory 1st Year) Complex Analysis (UG compulsory 1st Year) Engineering Drawing (UG compulsory 1st Year) Mechanics of Solids (UG compulsory 2nd Year)


Courses taught: - Dynamics and Vibration (PG elective)

Mechanics of Materials

Courses taught: - Composite Materials (PG elective) - Mechanical Properties of Materials (PG compulsory)

Thermodynamics and Phase Transformation

Courses taught: - Materials Processing (PG compulsory)

Numerical Method

Courses taught: - Introduction to Finite Element Methods (PG elective) - Introduction to Non-linear Finite Element Method (TEQIP course)

चयनित प्रकाशन

P. Chakraborty and S. Ghosh, 'Accelerating cyclic plasticity simulations using an adaptive wavelet transformation based multi-time scaling method', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 93 (13), 1425–1454, 2013.

S. Ghosh and P. Chakraborty, 'Microstructure and Load Sensitive Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Ti-6242 using Accelerated Crystal Plasticity FEM Simulations', International Journal of Fatigue, 48, 231–246, 2013.

P. Chakraborty, M. R. Tonks and Y. Zhang, 'Multi-scale modeling of microstructure dependent intergranular brittle fracture using a quantitative phase-field based method', Computational Materials Science, 113, 38-52, 2016.

L. Zhao, P. Chakraborty, M. R. Tonks, I. Szlufarska, 'On the plastic driving force of grain boundary migration: A fully coupled phase field and crystal plasticity mode', Computational Materials Science, 128, 320-330, 2017.

P. Chakraborty , S. Bulent Biner, 'Crystal plasticity modeling of irradiation effects on flow stress in pure-iron and iron-copper alloys', Mechanics of Materials, 101, 71-80, 2016.

सम्मेलन प्रस्तुतियाँ

"Understanding the role of dynamic strain aging on thermo-mechanical fatigue of Timetal 834 using a crystal plasticity model". A Discussion Meeting on Modeling of Structural Materials. 28th November to 1st December 2024 (Coorg).
"Understanding the Role of Dynamic Strain Aging on Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Using a Crystal Plasticity Model". SolMech2024, Wroclaw, Poland, September, 2024.
“A Crystal Plasticity Model of Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue for Ti-alloys. International Conference on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture, Dominican Republic, January, 2023.
“A Two-Scale Model for Hot Isostatic Pressing”. IIM-ATM, Hyderabad, November, 2022.

पेशेवर अनुभव

Fuel Modeling and Simulation Department, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, US. (Post-Doc: Sept 2012-March 2014; Staff: April 2014-September 2016)

Post-Doctoral Researcher in Dept. of Civil Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, US. (June 2012-August 2012)

Post-Doctoral Researcher in Dept. of Mechanical Engineering at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, US. (Jan 2012-May 2012)

Mechanical Engineer at GE Global Research Center, Bangalore, India. (August 2004-July 2006)


चालू प्रकल्प

Title: Microscale Modeling of Steels Sponsor: Hydro-Quebec, Canada.
Title: An Experimentally Validated Phase-Field Damage Model For Fatigue Crack Growth in Residual Stress Field Sponsor: ISRO
Title: Modelling And Simulation Studies On Development Of Laser Ablation Resistive Materials Sponsor: Defence Lab. Jodhpur
Title: ICME for Near alpha Ti-Alloy Blisks with Dual Microstructure Sponsor: DRDO


Vipin Chandra, Pritam Chakraborty, "A System and a Method for Contactless Automated Crack Extension Measurement (ACEM)", IPA 202411022761.


Physics-based process modelling of Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP): Influence of hydrostatic pressure and temperature on consolidation / density distribution

Sponsor: DMRL

Concurrent Multi-scale Method for Micro-crack Propagation in Polycrystalline Alloys

Sponsor: SERB

Modeling Thermo-mechanical fatigue of a near alpha Titanium Alloy for Compressor Disc/Bling Applications

Sponsor: ARDB

पीएचडी पर्यवेक्षण

Crystal Plasticity Based Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Model of a Near-α Ti-alloy Exhibiting Dynamic Strain Aging

Syed Mustafa Kazim, September 2023

Direct Homogenization Based Plate Models of Corrugated Core Sandwich Structure for Integrated Thermal Protection Systems of Reusable Launch Vehicles

Nazim Khan, November 2023