Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Operator Theory
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016
PhD (University of Pune)
Sectorial Forms and Unbounded Subnormals (with A. Athavale), Math Proc Cambridge Phil Soc, 143 (2007), 685-702
On Operators Cauchy Dual to 2-hyperexpansive Operators: The Unbounded Case, Studia Math, 203 (2011), 129-162
Operators Cauchy Dual to 2-hyperexpansive Operators: The Multivariable Case (With R. Curto), Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 73 (2012), 481-516
Spherical Tuples of Hilbert Space Operators (With D. Yakubovich), Indiana University Mathematics Journal.