Professor, Department of Physics
Department of Physics
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Topics of research interest: (a) Superconductivity and coexistence with Magnetism. (b) Magnetism in low dimensional structures (c) Laser-matter interaction for generating Ultrastrong magnetic field and affect on magnetism(d) Static and Dynamic phases of Vortex state in superconductors (e) Superconductivity at mesoscopic length scales and nanopatterned superconductors (f) High sensitivity local magnetic field imaging probes (g) nano- mechanical sensors for applications, (h) applications based on nanostructured superconductors.
PhD (Physics) is from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India (2000)
MSc. (Physics), University of Mumbai, First Class. First Class, ranked second. (1999)
BSc. (Physics). University of Mumbai (St. Xavier's, Mumbai) . First Class (1992)
Critical behavior at depinning of driven disordered vortex matter in 2H-NbS2, Gorky Shaw, Pabitra Mandal, S. S. Banerjee *, A. Niazi, A. K. Rastogi, A. K. Sood, S. Ramakrishnan, and A. K. Grover, Physical Review B 85, 174517 (2012).
Visualizing a dilute vortex liquid to solid phase transition in a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 single crystal., Gorky Shaw, Pabitra Mandal, S S Banerjee* and T Tamegai , New Journal of Physics 14, 083042 (2012).
Giant slow velocity fluctuations in a driven vortex lattice, Shyam Mohan, Jaivardhan Sinha, and S. S. Banerjee*, A.K. Sood, S. Ramakrishnan and A. K. Grover. Physical Review Letters 103, 167001 (2009).
Instabilities in the vortex matter and peak effect phenomenon, Shyam; Mohan, Jaivardhan Sinha, S. S. Banerjee*, Yuri Myasoedov, Physical Review Letters 98, 027003 (2007) .
Vortex nanoliquid in high temperature superconductors. S. S. Banerjee, S. Goldberg, A. Soibel, Y. Myasoedov, M. Rappaport, E. Zeldov, F. de la Cruz, C. J van der beek, M. Konczykowski, T. Tamegai, V. Vinokur. Physical Review Letters 93, 097002 (2004)
P. K. Kelkar Young Faculty Research Fellowship Award, June 1, 2012 - May 31st, 2015.
Received the NASI-Scopus Young Scientist award for Physics, 2012 (Feb. 2nd, 2012).
Young Achiever's award, 2007 -08, awarded by the Department of Atomic energy (DAE) at the Solid State Physics Symposium, Mysore 27th – 31st Dec. 2007.
Awarded the INSA (Indian National Science Academy) medal for Young Scientists, India, 2002.
Feinberg Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 2000.