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Tender Archive

SL. No Tender Doc Department Posting Date Closing Date Description
4451 Tender No:ME/jrk/12-13/4 Department of Mechanical Engineering 31/05/2012 04/06/2012 Quotations for perpetual License and software
4452 Tender No: IITK/BSBE/2011-12/PG/PS/1 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 29/12/2011 02/06/2012 Spares for Leica Confocal Microscope SP5
4453 Tender No:RD/11-12/01 Dean of Research and Development 16/12/2011 01/06/2012 SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING
4454 Tender No:IITK/BSBE/2011-12/PG/AB/1 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 27/12/2011 01/06/2012 THREE equipments for histological analyses.
4455 Tender No:CHE/CF/2/2011 Department of Chemical Engineering 28/12/2011 01/06/2012 Water Purification System
4456 Tender No:IITK/BSBE/2011-12/PG/AB/2 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 29/12/2011 01/06/2012 Upright compound motorized advance research microscope for bright field, DIC and Fluorescence microscopy with accessories
4457 Tender No: PHY/OPTICS/SAR/EQP/1 Department of Physics 21/05/2012 31/05/2012 Enquiry for Optical breadboard
4458 Tender No:PHY/OPTICS/SAR/EQP/2 Department of Physics 21/05/2012 31/05/2012 Enquiry for He-Ne laser etc.
4459 Tender No:PHY/OPTICS/SAR/EQP/3 Department of Physics 21/05/2012 31/05/2012 Enquiry for Michelson interferometer and lamps
4460 Tender No:PHY/OPTICS/SAR/EQP/4 Department of Physics 21/05/2012 31/05/2012 Enquiry for F-P etalon
4461 Tender No:PHY/OPTICS/SAR/EQP/5 Department of Physics 21/05/2012 31/05/2012 Enquiry for Optical components
4462 Tender No:PHY/OPTICS/SAR/CONS/1 Department of Physics 21/05/2012 31/05/2012 Enquiry for polarizer and other consumables
4463 Tender No:E/2012-2013/8 Central Store & Purchase Section 24/05/2012 31/05/2012 Purchase of Electronic Treadmill.
4464 Tender No:E/2012-2013/9 Central Store & Purchase Section 24/05/2012 31/05/2012 Purchase of Luggage Trolley and cloth dryer.
4465 Tender No:E/2012-2013/12 Central Store & Purchase Section 24/05/2012 31/05/2012 Purchase of Samsung Plasma T.V. model no. PS51E490.
4466 Tender No:IITK/MTC/NPTEL-II/2012-13/001 NPTEL-II, Media Technology Center 24/05/2012 30/05/2012 Digital HD Video Camera Recorder (SONY) along with accessories
4467 Tender No:IITK / MDES / DB / 2012-13 Design Programme 25/05/2012 29/05/2012 Enquiry Cum quotation call for Apple Mac Book
4468 Tender No:AG/MSE/2012-13/01 Department of Materials Science & Engineering 21/05/2012 28/05/2012 Water Cooler
4469 Tender No:SCDT/2012-13/02 Samtel Centre for Display Technologies 22/05/2012 28/05/2012 Desktop Computer (Qty-01)
4470 Tender No:CHM/MR/2012001 Department of Chemistry 07/05/2012 25/05/2012 30 kVA UPS with 45 minutes battery back-up.
4471 Tender No:CHM/MR/2012002 Department of Chemistry 07/05/2012 25/05/2012 8 node Supercomputing cluster.
4472 Tender No:Hall IV/2012/Computer/01/ Hall IV 14/05/2012 25/05/2012 Request for sealed quotation for Computers (Desktops) for Computer Room, Hall 4, IIT Kanpur
4473 Tender No:DOSA/Hostal Furniture/2012 Dean, Student Affairs Office 18/05/2012 25/05/2012 Furniture for hostels
4474 Tender No:IITK/CSE-42/Lab-1/ Department Of Computer Science & Engineering 18/05/2012 25/05/2012 13" Mac Book Air
4475 Tender No:DSK/BSBE/12-13/NC-02 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 18/05/2012 25/05/2012 Water Purifier