Professor, Department of Industrial & Management Engineering
Consumer Behaviour, Marketing, Cognition
Department of IME
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016
PhD, Delhi University, 1979
M.A., Psychology, Delhi University, 1976
M.Sc., Physics, Delhi University, 1969
Srivastava, K.,& Sharma, N. K. (2013). Service quality, corporate brand image, and switching behaviour: The mediating role of customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. Services Marketing Quarterly, 34(4), 274-291. (Taylor & Francis).
Srivastava, K., & Sharma, N. K. (2013). Consumer attitude towards brand extension: A comparative study of fast moving consumer goods, durable goods and services. Journal of Indian Business Research, 5(3), 177-197. (Emerald).
Pandey, S.,Sharma, N. K., & Mittal, A. K. (2013). Interactive effect of behavioral and demographic variables on individual investors' search behavior. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance,4, 60-65.
Mehta, Ritu, Sharma, N. K., & Swami, S. (2012). The impact of perceived crowding on consumers'store patronage intentions: Role of optimal stimulation level and shopping motivation. Journal of Marketing Management iFirst, 1-24. (Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group).
Shukla, A.,Sharma,N.K.,& Swami,S.(2012). Website characteristics and website satisfaction: Role of computer self-efficacy. International Journal of Information Systems Management Research and Development, 2 (1), 1-16.
UGC Teacher Fellowship.
All India Post-graduate Merit Scholarship.
Member Society for Consumer Psychology.
Life Member Indian Psychometric and Educational Research Association.
Life Member Indian Society for Technical Education.