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Tender Archive

SL. No Tender Doc Department Posting Date Closing Date Description
4726 Tender No:CE/STR/2011-12/Dec/01 Department of Civil Engineering 21/12/2011 01/02/2012 Dynamic FFT analyzer
4727 Tender No:JNM/TSM/IITK-03 Department of Civil Engineering 20/01/2012 01/02/2012 fiber optic cable + transmitting unit for 100 MHz antenna & additional KEY for RADAN software for available with GSSI – SIR 3000 Ground Penetrating Radar
4728 Tender No:BSBE/AB/NC/2012/01 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 25/01/2012 01/02/2012 Individually Ventilated Animal Caging System
4729 Tender No:IITK/BSBE/2011-12/PG/KS/2 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 25/01/2012 01/02/2012 Quotation for TWO rotors with buckets for the existing Sigma centrifuge model#4-15K
4730 Tender No:ChE/AS/Jan-12/02 Department Of Chemical Engineering 27/01/2012 01/02/2012 Purchase of Consumable spares for Excimer Laser, Make: Coherent GmbH, Germany
4731 Tender No:E/2011-2012/60 Central Store & Purchase Section 20/01/2012 31/01/2012 PURCHASE OF PORTEGE R700-X3431, INTEL CORE I5 560 M PROCESSOR COMPUTER
4732 Tender No:XRF/CE/0006169 Department of Civil Engineering 23/01/2012 31/01/2012 Semiautomatic hydraulic press for the preparation of pressed powder pellet, with capacity of pressing up to 40 ton
4733 Tender No:Des/BB/Instt./11-12/01 Design Programme 25/01/2012 31/01/2012 High Speed Remote Eye Tracking System
4734 Tender No:ChE/AS/Jan-12/03 Department Of Chemical Engineering 27/01/2012 31/01/2012 Purchase of SU-8 photoresist and developer, Make: Microchem, USA
4735 Tender No:AKT/BSBE/04 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 27/01/2012 31/01/2012 Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Instrument
4736 Tender No:AE/DPM/DST/2012/02 Department of Aerospace Engineering 19/01/2012 30/01/2012 Centrifugal Air Blower
4737 Tender No:AK/BSBE/2011-12/09 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 23/01/2012 30/01/2012 Design and Fabrication of Animal House Facility
4738 Tender No:PI/CELT/IMP/2011-12/PKP/LTAS/11 Laser Technology Program 23/01/2012 30/01/2012 Laser and Optics Design Software
4739 Tender No:Hall of Residence III/2012/AC Hall of Residence III 23/01/2012 30/01/2012 Air Conditioner, Vacuum Cleaner
4740 Tender No:Hall of Residence III/2012/Carpet Hall of Residence III 23/01/2012 30/01/2012 Curtain, Carpet Flooring
4741 Tender No:Hall of Residence III/2012/Carpet Hall of Residence III 23/01/2012 30/01/2012 Drum kit,Guitar Amps,Bass Amps,Microphone,Studio Monitor,Semi Acoustic Guitar
4742 Tender No:Hall of Residence III/2012/sports Hall of Residence III 23/01/2012 30/01/2012 Baketball , Volleyball , Volleyball Net , Football , Lawn Tennis Racket , Table Tennis Racket , Table Tennis Table , Badminton Racket , Badminton Racket , Shuttlecock , Cricket Kit Bag , Cricket Bat , Batting Gloves , Wicket Keeping Gloves , Batting Pads , Wicket Keeping Pads , Cricket Helmet
4743 Tender No:AK/BSBE/2011-12/03 Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering 24/01/2012 30/01/2012 Rotary Pumped Sputter Coater
4744 Tender No:HSS/NLEP/2011-2012/02 HSS Department, IIT Kanpur 25/01/2012 30/01/2012 Non-Linear Editing Platform with FC Pro
4745 Tender No: IITK/CSE-42/Converg/lab-10/Pt-2/ Department Of Computer Science & Engineering 27/01/2012 30/01/2012 Modification in tender.
4746 Tender No:IIT/CE/GI/BL/01-2012 Department of Civil Engineering 19/01/2012 29/01/2012 Phase based laser scanner
4747 Tender No:IITK/EEMP/2012_021 Environmental Engineering and Management Programme 23/01/2012 28/01/2012 High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-TOF-AMS) system for sub-micron aerosol sizing and chemical analysis
4748 Tender No:4i-Lab/2012/01 4i-Laboratory 23/01/2012 28/01/2012 RF and microwave set,Spiral drill,Distance rings,Base plate FR4,Base plate FR4,Thin laminate 104 ML 0/5 microns,Thin laminate 104 ML 0/18 microns.
4749 Tender No:ME/KKK/05-PECVD-Accessories-2011-12 Department of Mechanical Engineering 16/01/2012 27/01/2012 PECVD-Accessories
4750 Tender No:IITK/ME/mkdas/2012/02 Department of Mechanical Engineering 17/01/2012 27/01/2012 Turbomolecular Pump